Our Affiliate Cohort
Faculty/ Postdoctoral Fellow Affiliates
Professional Affiliates
Graduate Student Affiliates
Who Are Affiliates?
Affiliates include graduate students, postdocs, faculty, and professionals working on these topics in nonprofits, think tanks, and other organizations. The affiliate community brings together institutions spanning the Research Triangle and the globe, from Chapel Hill and Durham to Israel, Germany, Iran, India, South Africa, and Turkey, to name just a few.
They're experts in mis- and disinformation, digital (in)equality/justice/equity, ethical technology, media and communication, AI, and journalism (among many other topics). The group brings together philosophers, sociologists, legal scholars, historians, information scientists, linguists. And we're unified by a common commitment to producing research that's concerned with how social difference shapes unequal experiences on information platforms and committed to advancing justice and equality.
We hold affiliate research workshops, topical working groups, professional development conversations, speakers and symposia, and informal collaboration both virtual and in-person.
Affiliate work is shared in our newsletter and via our social media channels throughout the year.
If you are not currently an affiliate, but you would like to join the community, please fill out this form: