Graduate Student Affiliates

Graduate student affiliates

Headshot of Peter Andringa

Peter Andringa

Peter Andringa is a Rhodes Scholar at the University of Oxford (Exeter College), where he is studying an MSc in Social Science of the Internet at the Oxford Internet Institute (2021-22) and a master of Public Policy at the Blavatnik School of Government (2022-23). He is interested in the intersection of journalism, platform policy, and law, exploring how structural conditions of the internet facilitate or inhibit accountability journalism. He studied at UNC-Chapel Hill (B.A., Journalism & Computer Science) and Duke University as a Robertson Scholar.


Adiza Awwal

Adiza Awwal

Adiza is a PhD student in Human-Centered Design and Engineering at the University of Washington, within the Center for an Informed Public. Her research focuses on understanding online incivility, problematic information, and the dynamics of hostile online communities. She leverages insights from the social sciences and human-computer interaction to explore how these groups influence broader societal harm for safer digital spaces and enhanced online welfare. Adiza aims to contribute to the development of technologies and policies that promote digital inclusion, safety, and equity.


Parker Bach smiling

Parker Bach

Parker Bach is Ph.D. student, Roy H. Park Fellow in the Hussman School of Journalism and Media at UNC-Chapel Hill and a Research Assistant with the Social Media Collective at Microsoft Research. Parker researches online cultural politics, with particular interests in political humor, youth politics, and the American Right. His research incorporates both qualitative and computational methods. Parker holds an MA in Media, Culture, & Technology from the University of Virginia.


Headshot of Ava Francesca Battocchio

Ava Francesca Battocchio 

Ava Francesca Battocchio is an Information & Media Ph.D. Candidate and University Enrichment Fellow in the College of Communication Arts & Sciences at Michigan State University. Their research employs ethnographic and computational methods to explore how rural, remote and post-industrial community structure and collective identity shape hybrid civic storytelling networks. This work explores how these communities, particularly those underserved by local news and broadband, learn about and organize around challenging social issues.


Keith Baybayon smiling

Keith Baybayon

Keith Baybayon, a dynamic advocate and forward-thinker, is a Strategic Advisory Council member at the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario. Notably, as the youngest member of the IPC Strategic Advisory Council, specializing in Children and Youth in a Digital World, Keith showcases his dedication to enhancing digital literacy and advocating for youth digital rights. His leadership as Chair of the IPC Youth Advisory Council echoes his commitment, guiding young individuals across Ontario in advocating for improved privacy education and digital literacy among youth. As a member of Canada's first-ever Youth Assembly on Digital Rights and Safety, Keith collaborated with peers to craft vital recommendations for Canadian youth digital rights. Keith stands as a passionate advocate and thought leader, driving meaningful change within the intersection of technology, privacy, and youth advocacy. His research interests include youth digital rights, digital literacy enhancement, technology's societal impacts, privacy, and mis/disinformation.



Gabrielle Dora Beacken

Gabrielle Beacken is a PhD student in Journalism and Media at the University of Texas at Austin. She is also a Graduate Research Assistant at the Center for Media Engagement’s Propaganda Research Lab, where she investigates how political actors use and spread propaganda and dis/misinformation via emerging technologies — including social media, messaging apps, AI — and its democratic implications. She also studies issues related the Jewish community on social media, including digital expressions antisemitism.


Headshot of Talia Berniker

Talia Berniker

Talia Berniker is a Ph.D. student in Communication at Cornell University. Broadly, her research uses qualitative methods to examine how emerging communication technologies are represented in public policy and advertising campaigns.


Headshot of Sakshi Bhalla

Sakshi Bhalla

Sakshi Bhalla is a Ph.D. student at the University of Illinois's Institute of Communications Research. She studies news consumption, its interactions with politics and what that can mean for being politically informed. Her work incorporates a variety of qualitative, quantitative and network analytic methods.



Braxton Brewington

Braxton Brewington is a Sociology PhD student at UNC Chapel Hill whose research interests include political sociology, social movements, media and how they interact. Braxton’s current project uses qualitative methods to examine how social movements navigate relationships with the press in the U.S. South. Prior to UNC, Braxton worked on several local and national political campaigns. He holds undergraduate degrees in Political Science and Journalism and Mass Communication from NC A&T State University.


joão camagaros

João Camagaros

João Camargos is a PhD student in Political Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His research utilizes computational methods to examine the formation of political belief systems from a comparative perspective. He is particularly interested in how charismatic leadership interacts with these belief systems to insulate itself from public opinion scrutiny. Before joining UNC, João earned an MA in Political Science from UFMG (Brazil), a Specialization in AI and Data Analysis from PUC-RS (Brazil), and worked as an analyst at Instituto Ver (Brazil), focusing on public opinion and electoral polling.


Headshot of Jaclyn Carroll

Jaclyn Carroll

Jaclyn Carroll is a Ph.D. student in Sociology at Boston College specializing in deviance, communication, and health culture. She is currently completing a dissertation on wellness influencers and online health coaches, focusing on their migration toward extremist beliefs and their spread of institutional distrust and covid-era misinformation. Her work interrogates new frontiers of expertise and the limitations of platform regulation.


Headshot of Diana Casteel

Diana Casteel

Diana Casteel is a PhD candidate at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Her areas of interest include political discourse, conservative news cultures, critical disinformation, and the social construction of knowledge. She is currently working on her dissertation which explores the discursive online communities constructed by female conservative political influencers and self-identified journalists using a critical interpretivist perspective.


Headshot of Carl Colglazier

Carl Colglazier

Carl Colglazier is a PhD student in Technology and Social Behavior at Northwestern University. Carl studies sociotechnical systems and their impact on public discourse with a particular focus on decentralized social networks like Mastodon.


Matthew Conaty

Matthew Conaty is a doctoral student at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania. His work centers on crisis communications, disaster messaging, and discursive relationships between the armed forces and civilian polities. Before coming to Annenberg, Conaty practiced media, First Amendment, and telecommunications law in a variety of private and public roles, including the Federal Communications Commission and Voice of America. He holds a J.D. from Harvard Law School and an MA and BA in History from Yale University.

Headshot of Nicole Cote

Nicole Cote

Nicole Cote is a Ph.D. student at The Graduate Center of The City University of New York (CUNY). Her research investigates the historical and contemporary entanglements of media, technology, and cultural work that shape how “natural” disasters and other environmental crises are understood in the public sphere, and how they might be refigured.



Hongyi Dong

Hongyi Dong is a doctoral student in Informatics at the Pennsylvania State University. Equipped with professional experiences across academia and industry, he aims to investigate how people learn about privacy and security in day-to-day, informal settings as they navigate their technology-mediated lives.

Headshot of Elliott Edsall

Elliott Edsall

Elliott Edsall is a second-year PhD student at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities in the Hubbard School of Journalism and Mass Communication. His research centers on American political culture, specifically in the realm of right-wing media. He is primarily interested in the way conservative media figures relate themselves to their audiences, and how political and cultural symbols are used to represent outlets' target audiences. He is interested in how political media affects American culture more broadly.


Headshot of Azza El Masri

Azza El Masri

Azza El-Masri is a PhD candidate at the School of Journalism and Media at UT Austin, a graduate research assistant at the Technology & Information Policy Institute, and a graduate research fellow at the Center for Media Engagement. Her research scrutinizes the implications of technology–including Generative AI, social media, and encrypted messaging apps–on information access and freedom of expression in fraught socio-political environments. Her academic work has been published in New Media & Society, Information, Communication, and Society, and the Harvard Kennedy School's Misinformation Review.


Fatima Fairfax smiling outside

Fatima Fairfax

Fatima G. Fairfax is a PhD student and NASEM Ford Foundation Pre-doctoral Fellow in the Sociology Department at Duke University. With a background in measurement and evaluation, Fairfax is interested in how the measurement decisions underlying large scale technologies impact various social outcomes. With her dissertation, she specifically focuses on the implications in the healthcare sector. She aims to investigate if emergent healthcare technologies, from personal health devices to AI assisted clinical work, mitigate or exacerbate existing racialized health inequities.


Headshot of Kim Fernandes

Kim Fernandes

Kim Fernandes is a joint doctoral candidate in Anthropology & Education at the University of Pennsylvania. As a researcher, writer and educator, they are interested in when and how the body meets and moves through the world. Their current research, emerging from their dissertation project, lies at the intersections of disability, data and governance.


Samuele Fratini

Samuele Fratini

Samuele Fratini is a Ph.D. candidate in Social Sciences at the University of Padova and the Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI). He holds a Master degree from the University of Milan in Digital Communication and Public Opinion, where he focused on digital platforms and their socio-cultural consequences. His interests lie in the interception of Science & Technology Studies (STS) and Internet Governance, with a focus on topics such as digital sovereignty, surveillance, and geopolitical competition. His main research field is the interaction between society and culture with media and digital technology. Between April and December 2023, he was a Visiting Fellow at the Universität Siegen, holding a scholarship provided by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). Currently, he is a Visiting Fellow at the Centre Internet et Société (CIS) at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in Paris.


Headshot of Margaret E. Foster

Margaret E. Foster 

Margaret E. Foster (Maggie) is a Ph.D. student in Communication at Cornell University. Her research interests include gender-based violence, epistemic (in)justice, online creator economies, aspirational aesthetics, and queer theory. Prior to Cornell, she completed her MA in Media & Communication at UNC Chapel Hill, where she studied the #MeToo movement.


Headshot of Shedrick Garrett

Shedrick Garrett

Shedrick Garrett is a Ph.D. student in the Developmental Psychology program at UNC-Chapel Hill. He received his B.S. in Psychology and Neuroscience with an area of emphasis in Behavioral Neuroscience from West Virginia University. Garrett's program of research explores the role of digital media on positive youth development and socialization experiences.


Headshot of Akriti Gaur

Akriti Gaur

Akriti Gaur is an Indian lawyer currently pursuing a J.S.D. at Yale Law School where she also serves as a Tutor in Law. She obtained her LL.M. degree from Yale Law School in 2022. Akriti is a Resident Fellow at the Yale Information Society Project and a research affiliate with the Yale Genocide Studies Program (Mass Atrocities in the Digital Era Project). Before coming to Yale, Akriti was a policy advisor and an independent researcher focusing on technology and human rights in India.


Headshot of Nicholas Gerstner

Nicholas Gerstner

Nicholas Gerstner is a doctoral researcher in the Department of Communication at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He researches culture, media, and technology, with particular attention to the cultural politics of common sense. Nicholas' current research traces a techno-cultural history of “polarization” that describes how an idea once limited to the study of electromagnetism has become a common and apparently obvious way to describe society.


Headshot of Rohan Grover

Rohan Grover

Rohan Grover is a PhD student at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Southern California. His research focuses on how human-data relations are constructed and (de)stabilized through technology policy and platform governance. He holds an MA in Media, Culture, and Communication from NYU and a BS in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania.


Headshot of Kamile

Kamile Grusauskaite

Kamile Grusauskaite is a Ph.D. Candidate at the Institute for Media Studies at KU Leuven, Belgium. She was previously a visiting doctorate researcher at Yale Sociology. Her research lies at the intersection of media and cultural sociology. She has written about conspiracy theories, online 'deviance', online subcultures, platform politics, and mechanisms of online socialization. Her work was published in journals like Social Media + Society, New Media and Society and Public Understanding of Science.


stale grut headshot

Ståle Grut

Ståle Grut (M.A. University of Amsterdam) is a doctoral research fellow at the University of Oslo. His research interests include journalism, platforms, social media, digital open source investigations, and technology. Routledge will publish his book, "Evaluating Digital Sources in Journalism: An Introduction to Digital Source Criticism", in 2024.


Headshot of Namita Gupta

Namita Gupta

Namita Gupta is a doctoral student at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Her research lies at the intersection of print and digital public sphere, where she aims to study the impact of new technologies on social and political discourse in popular culture. Particularly, she is interested in examining nationalism and resistance in new media publics.


Headshot of Hunter Hinson

Hunter Hinson

Hunter Hinson is a Shirley Scholar at the University of Oxford, where he is pursuing an MSc in Social Science of the Internet at the Oxford Internet Institute (2023-24). His research focuses on how violence, hate, and political radicalization are promoted online through computational propaganda and other emerging technologies like generative AI. He holds a BA in Communication and Political Science from the University of Southern California.


Headshot of Edith Hollander

Edith Hollander

Edith Hollander is a graduate researcher in the Department of Journalism and Media at the University of Texas at Austin. Her research broadly focuses on the intersections of markets and civic engagement in digital media and tech industries. She currently hold a position as a Graduate Student Fellow at the Center for Media Engagement at UT Austin and have previously worked as a research assistant at reproductive rights organization NARAL Pro-Choice America, where she studied anti-abortion movement tactics and disinformation campaigns, and at Princeton’s Bridging Divides Initiative, where she used open-source tools to monitor acts of political violence.


Headshot of Sudhamshu Hosamane

Sudhamshu Hosamane

Sudhamshu Hosamane is a first-year PhD student in Information Science at Rutgers University- New Brunswick. He is interested in studying and modelling human reactions to user-generated content on the internet and has had a longstanding interest in keeping the internet safe and accessible. His current research interests are in social media experiments, online disinformation campaigns, crowdsourcing information, adaptive experiments, studying misinformation on private messaging channels.


Gabriella Hulsey smiling with lights in background

Gabriella Hulsey

Gabriella is a 5th year PhD candidate in the UNC Chapel Hill Philosophy Department. She works primarily on normative ethics and value theory, with intersections in social philosophy and epistemology.


Muyao Jiang

Muyao Jiang

Muyao Jiang holds dual MA/MSc degrees in Global Media and Communications from the University of Southern California and the London School of Economics. His research interests focus on the cultural politics of high-tech workers in the Global South and civic participation in neo-authoritarian regimes. Previously, Muyao earned a BA from Renmin University of China and has professional experience in media work within the tech industry.


Daniel Johnson smiling

Daniel Johnson

Daniel Johnson is a Ph.D. student and Roy H. Park Fellow in the Hussman School of Journalism and Media at UNC-Chapel Hill. He was a journalist with the U.S. Army in Iraq in 2016-2017, has worked in public relations, and has written for Slate, The Hill, and Task and Purpose. His current research focuses are on how social media is being used for positive mental health purposes, and on how information warfare tactics are being used domestically and internationally.


Headshot of Evan Jones

Evan R. Jones

Evan R. Jones is a Ph.D. student at UNC-Chapel Hill. His research investigates space, place, and abandonment as communication phenomena. He is currently writing a dissertation on the adaptive reuse of decommissioned shipping containers and the processes of placemaking.


Headshot of Kaitlin Joshua

Kaitlin Joshua

Kaitlin Joshua is a third-year doctoral student in Department of Sociology at UNC Chapel Hill and a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow. She is broadly interested in reproductive health, mental health, culture, and media. Her current projects examine the intersection of culture and reproductive health outcomes.


Ana Jovanovic Harrington smiling headshot in front of books

Ana Jovanovic-Harrington

Ana Jovanovic-Harrington is a PhD candidate at Dublin City University School of Communications. Her research explores the media changes that paralleled regime changes from democracy to autocracy in Hungary, Poland, and Serbia from 2010 and onwards. Ana holds a master's degree in political science from the University of Bologna, and a bachelor's degree in French language and literature from the University of Sarajevo.


Dyuti Jha in shadow

Dyuti Jha

Dyuti Jha is a doctoral student at the Brian Lamb School of Communication, Purdue University. She studies the detection, moderation, and impact of online hate speech using experimental, computational, and qualitative methods. You can see more at her website at


Headshot of Stephanie Kaczynski

Stephanie Kaczynski

Stephanie Kaczynski is a Royster Fellow and PhD student in the Department of Communication at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is also pursuing UNC’s Graduate Certificates in Participatory Research and Cultural Studies. Her work centers the biopolitical and colonial relationship between mobility and the nation-state, focusing on the ways marginalized communities resist police racism.


Headshot of Zarine Kharazian

Zarine Kharazian

Zarine Kharazian is a PhD student in the Department of Human-Centered Engineering at the University of Washington, where she works at the Center for an Informed Public. Her research focuses on how online communities across a variety of platforms govern and are governed as they navigate disinformation, cyber-enabled influence operations, and related online harms.


Headshot of Isaac Kimmel

Isaac Kimmel 

Isaac Kimmel is a PhD Candidate in the Department of Sociology at the University of Notre Dame and, since November 2023, the Program Manager for the Center to Counter Human Trafficking at Texas A&M International University (TAMIU) in Laredo, Texas. Isaac's dissertation draws on insights from cultural sociology, journalism studies, and legislative studies to examine the role of politicians as knowledge producers for the public within America's shifting media ecosystem. In his role at TAMIU, Isaac coordinates a multidisciplinary initiative to create and deliver trainings that will prepare South Texas healthcare providers and educators to identify and assist persons who are being trafficked for sex or labor. A native South Texan, Isaac holds a BA in Philosophy from the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC and an MA in Sociology from Notre Dame. Isaac anticipates completing his doctoral work in 2025.

Priyanka Kundu

Priyanka Kundu

Priyanka Kundu is a doctoral student in the Department of Communication at the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) and an Assistant Professor of Mass Communication and Journalism at Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP) in Dhaka (on study leave).

Her research focuses on political psychology, political persuasion, and new media technology. Recently, she has been exploring how affective populism is utilized in the everyday politics of Bangladesh. Currently, she is working on several research projects related to social media political communication, propaganda, and political persuasion in the country. She has published several journal articles and book chapters, primarily with Palgrave MacMillan, IGI Global, Nordicom, and the Athens Journal of Mass Media and Communications.


Jabari Kwesi

Jabari Kwesi is a Ph.D. student and NSF Graduate Research Fellow in Computer Science at Duke University. His research aims to understand how security and privacy preferences influence and impact user interactions with emerging technologies.

Headshot of Robin Lange

Robin Lange

Robin Lange is a third year PhD student working with Dr. Brooke Foucault Welles at Northeastern University. Her research interests include covering online hate speech and leadership in teams. Her current project includes understanding how hate speech impacts entire communities, and that by studying vicarious victimization, we can better understand the harm of hate speech and how community based interventions can reduce its harm. Robin is also working on a collaboration with igraph and Women in Network Science to study leadership in open-source communities.


Headshot of Yena Lee

Yena Lee

Yena Lee is a Ph.D. candidate in the Media, Technology, and Society program at Northwestern School of Communication. She is a member of Digital Apothecary Lab and an affiliate of Center for Latinx Digital Media and The Center for Race and Digital Studies. She is interested in studying the emerging forms and processes of networked social movement and the technological, political, and organizational conditions that enable or challenge the rise of such movements.


Headshot of Becca Lewis

Rebecca (Becca) Lewis

Becca Lewis is a PhD candidate in Communication at Stanford University, an incoming Dissertation Fellow at the Stanford’s Clayman Institute for Gender Research, and a Graduate Fellow at the Stanford Cyber Policy Center. Her research has been published in academic journals including New Media & Society, Social Media + Society, and American Behavioral Scientist.


Headshot of Lan Li

Lan Li

Lan Li is a Ph.D. student at UNC-Chapel Hill’s Department of Information and Library Science. Her research explores how technologies such as AI and online labor platforms shape how we find and conduct work, and its implications for workers and skill development. Prior to joining UNC-Chapel Hill, Lan worked as a programmer developing digital learning tools.


Zhihuai Lin

Zhihuai (Randy) Lin

Zhihuai (Randy) Lin is a first-year doctoral student and Aery Fellow at the Hussman School of Journalism and Media, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His research focuses on media effects, human-computer interaction, digital public health, and computational social science. Lin’s work aims to advance two lines of intellectual inquiry: (1) How do digital environments influence and are influenced by human perceptions, behaviors, and communication patterns? and (2) What are the social and psychological implications of emerging technologies, such as generative AI, and how do individuals and communities adapt to these evolving digital landscapes? His research has been published in Computers in Human Behavior, New Media & Society, Journal of Health Communication, and International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. He holds an M.Phil. in Communication and a B.Comm. in Journalism from Hong Kong Baptist University and an M.A. in Global Communication from The Chinese University of Hong Kong.


Headshot of Benjamin Listyg

Benjamin Listyg

Benjamin Listyg is a PhD candidate in the Industrial-Organizational Psychology Department at the University of Georgia. His substantive research interests primarily revolve around improving how workers find occupations that match their interests and skillset. His methodological interests focus on Item Response Theory (IRT) modeling, mixed-effect modeling, and applied graph theory.


Headshot of Dien Luong

Dien Luong

Dien Luong is an upcoming PhD student in Communication and Media at the University of Michigan. He has held fellowship positions at the ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute in Singapore and the Ash Center at the Harvard Kennedy School. Dien is also interested in researching Big Tech-government relations, online censorship and the media landscape in Southeast Asia.


Headshot of Alphoncina Lyamuya

Alphoncina Lyamuya

Alphoncina Lyamuya is a Ph.D. student at the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, University of Southern California. Her research is centered on the intersection of digital technologies, transnational governance, and inequality. She focuses on the use of automated decision-making systems, data science techniques, and other digital infrastructures by governments and humanitarian agencies in migration management and border control.


Daniel Malmer smiling

Daniel Malmer

Daniel Malmer is a Ph.D. student and Roy H. Park fellow in the Media and Communication program at UNC-Chapel Hill. He uses computational methods to study online radicalization, extremism, and conspiracy theories. Prior to UNC, Dan had a long career in software development in Silicon Valley. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a master’s degree in Computer Science from Stanford University.


Headshot of Zelly Martin

Zelly Martin

Zelly Martin is a graduate research assistant at the Center for Media Engagement and a current Ph.D. candidate in Journalism and Media at the University of Texas at Austin. She graduated with an M.A. in Journalism and Media from the University of Texas at Austin and a B.A. in Feminist Studies from Southwestern University. Her research focuses on disinformation and data surveillance, particularly as they exacerbate inequality of marginalized communities.

Headshot of Danilo Reuben-Matamoros

Danilo Reuben-Matamoros

Danilo Reuben-Matamoros is a Ph.D. student at the University of Leeds School of Media and Communication. His current research focuses on online civility. Prior research interests include social media and the ethnographic study of advertising in Costa Rica. Danilo is a former lecturer of sociology and social science research methods at the University of Costa Rica’s Schools of Sociology, Public Health, and Library and Information Sciences.


Headshot of Ethan McAndrews

Ethan McAndrews

Ethan McAndrews is a Yenching Scholar at Peking University, where he is studying an MA in International Politics. He is interested in the intersection of international relations, culture, and technology, primarily exploring how states shape the conditions of digital culture and communication within modern society. He studied at Indiana University Bloomington (B.A., International Relations & East Asian Studies) and Nanjing University as a Boren Scholar.


Broderick McDonald headshot with plain background

Broderick McDonald

Broderick McDonald is an Associate Fellow at Kings College London's International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation (ICSR) examining extremism, terrorism, and disinformation across the ideological spectrum. Outside of this, he is a Fellow with the Aspen Institute UK and an Associate Member of Chatham House. Brody previously served as a Policy Advisor to the Government of Canada and was a fellow with the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC). He currently serves on the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT)'s Independent Advisory Committee, the Aspen Institute UK's RLF Advisory Board, and the GLOCA Board of Advisors


Sean Rutherford McEwan

Headshot of Emily Mendelson

Emily Mendelson

Emily Mendelson is a doctoral student in Interpersonal Communication at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. She is interested in how individuals make sense of their relationships and communicate about their relationships to others. More specifically, Emily researches communication during sexual encounters, mediated displays of public intimacy, and how individuals understand love and care.


Headshot of Brooke Molokach

Brooke Molokach

Brooke Molokach is a PhD student in Communication at the University of Delaware. Her research centers on affective polarization, motivated reasoning, and the role of intellectual humility in reducing misinformation beliefs, moral disengagement, and dehumanization of political opponents. She is also interested in the narrative-based mechanisms of disinformation and how these narrative features can exploit the salience of group identity. Brooke holds an M.A. in International Affairs from American University and a B.A. in English from Yale University.


Headshot of Ayana Monroe

Ayana Monroe

Ayana Monroe is a 1st year Ph.D. student at the Cornell Ann S. Bowers College of Computing and Information Science. Her current research focuses on increasing the transparency of systems that reduce friction in the everyday lives of various users while also creating and expanding ways in which users can interact or participate in their creation. In addition to the creation of such systems, she interrogates existing systems while also addressing inequities that may be present in them.


Headshot of Roxana Muenster

Roxana Muenster

Roxana Mika Muenster is a PhD student in the graduate field of Communications at Cornell University. Her work focuses on social movements, the far-right and digital communication. Currently, she is researching lifestyle politics on the far-right and their role in the online spread of ideology. She has a background in journalism, including as the Marjorie Deane Fellow at the Economist, and has worked as a researcher at the FU Berlin, the LSE and Cornell University.


Nabila Headshot

Nabila Mushtarin

Nabila Mushtarin is a Ph.D. student at the Manship School of Mass Communication at Louisiana State University. Her research interests revolve around the intersection of media effects, social media dynamics, health communication, and the uses of emerging media by marginalized and underrepresented groups.

Originally from Bangladesh, Nabila earned her Bachelor's degree in English and a Master's in Literatures in English and Cultural Studies from Jahangirnagar University. Her academic journey also includes a Master's in Communication from the University of South Alabama.


Sarah Nguyễn

Sarah Nguyễn is a PhD student at the University of Washgton's Information School, where she also received a Master in Library and Information Science. They investigate memory and trauma, problematic information, and information disorder among immigrant and refugee diaspora, and non-English communities.


Headshot of Enrique Nunez Mussa

Enrique Nunez-Mussa

Enrique Núñez-Mussa is a Ph.D. candidate in Information and Media at the School of Journalism of Michigan State University and is a Fulbright scholar.  He is an external graduate student affiliated with the Center for Latinx Digital Media of Northwestern University. His research interests are journalism's societal function, authority, discourse, and norms.


Headshot of Pratik Nyaupane

Pratik Nyaupane

Pratik Nyaupane is a doctoral student in communication at the University of Southern California in the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, where he broadly looks at the intersection between society, technology, and politics. As a graduate researcher, Pratik has been exploring the ways in which technology mediates interactions through state and corporate power. He also looks at the digitization practices of citizenship, migration, and borders and how digital technologies have an impact on democratic cultural and political processes. He holds an undergraduate degree from Arizona State University in Informatics.


Jody Oetzel

Jody Oetzel

Jody Oetzel (she/her) is a PhD student in Political Science at UNC-Chapel Hill. She researches city-led activism on global issues, including the governance of AI and emerging technologies. Before UNC, Jody earned a Master in Global Affairs from the University of Notre Dame, focusing on governance and policy. She previously worked at the Notre Dame - IBM Technology Ethics Lab and the Chicago Council on Global Affairs.


Agustin Orozco

Agustin Orozco

Agustin Orozco is a Southern Futures Fellow at UNC Chapel Hill, where he is pursuing a B.S in Psychology with a B.A. in Data Science. He is interested in how algorithms are both tangibly and intangibly harming marginalized communities, specifically looking at predictive models and search engines. Currently, his research focuses on how models reinforce narratives that systematically oppress marginalized people. He is examining cases of predictive policing in the South, as well as, the conceptualizations that these models create based on the American South.


Headshot of Kara Ortiga

Kara Ortiga

Kara Ortiga is currently a PhD Candidate at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. She is interested in how and why online users or audiences become entangled with disinformation narratives. She finished her Master of Digital Communication and Culture at the University of Sydney and was a feature writer for Esquire, CNN Philippines, and Vice Asia.



Andrew Pemberton

Andrew Pemberton is an instructional designer at Jacksonville University and a doctoral student at Florida State University. As an instructional designer, he collaborates with university faculty to design, develop, and implement engaging learning experiences. In this line of work, he is often tasked with designing educational interventions that target misinformation and student misconceptions, particularly in social science courses. As a doctoral student, Andrew researches the influence of the infodemic in higher education and how instructional designers can help mitigate misinformation's influence on college students.


Headshot of Ellen Perleberg

Ellen Perleberg

Ellen Perleberg is a Master of Science in Library Science student at UNC-Chapel Hill and the co-principal investigator of the Yallah Y'all Queer Jewish Linguistics lab at the University of Washington in Seattle. Her current research focuses on "algospeak" and other forms of digital language innovation, especially in relation to digital labor practices.



Christine Xuan Phan

Christine (Chris) Phan is a PhD student in the Annenberg School at the University of Pennsylvania. She studies how digital access affects information disorder in migrant communities and the development of community-owned digital tools. Previously, Phan established and managed the narrative change work at the Asian American Disinformation Table (AADT). She also managed a city-wide program to close the digital divide in collaboration with community organizations in Oakland, California. She holds a B.S. in Computer Science from Stanford University.



Florian Primig

Florian Primig is a research associate at the Institute for Media and Communication Studies at Freie Universität Berlin in the Division Digitalization and Participation and associated researcher in the research group 'Digital News Dynamics' at the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society. His research interests include media trust as well as mis-/disinformation, conspiracy theories and the far-right.


Headshot of Contia’ Prince

Contia’ Prince

Contia' Prince is a two-time graduate of Elon University, where she completed her B.A. in Cinema & Television Arts and her M.A. in Interactive Media. She is currently a Park Doctoral Fellow and CITAP affiliate in the Hussman School of Media & Journalism interested in the way historical and contemporary narratives of “defectiveness” impact perceptions of contemporary black women. She is also interested in how black women navigate these narratives while expressing themselves through changes in their physical appearance.



Zivile Raskauskaite

Živilė Raškauskaitė is a Ph.D. student, specializing in media sociology. Her research focuses on the complex relationships between journalists and audiences. Živilė uses qualitative and quantitative research methods to explore innovative approaches to journalism that emphasize collaboration, community engagement, and meaningful interaction between journalists and their audiences. Additionally, Živilė’s research delves into the concept of dark participation online, a phenomenon that explores the negative aspects of audience engagement in digital spaces.



Andrew Restieri

Andrew Restieri is a PhD student in the Department of Communication at Cornell University. His research centers on how queer people navigate online spaces to find, build, and maintain community, and how those communities can be leveraged towards advocacy and activism. He holds an MA from Johns Hopkins University and a BA from Northwestern University.


Headshot of Megan Rim

Megan Rim

Megan Rim is a PhD Candidate in American Culture and Digital Studies at the University of Michigan. Her research interests broadly look at race and digital technology with specific attention to social movements, surveillance, infrastructures, and algorithmic bias. Her work is theoretically and methodologically inspired by Black and Women of Color Feminisms, Feminist STS, Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, and Critical Data Studies.


Headshot of Alex Rochefort

Alex Rochefort

Alex Rochefort is a PhD Candidate in the Division of Emerging Media Studies at Boston University’s College of Communication. He is currently working on a dissertation that uses theories of the policymaking process to explain the emergence of digital platform regulation as a public concern in the United States. His broader research interests include platform governance, tech policy, and human rights. Alex has held fellowships with Freedom House and Ranking Digital Rights. In 2022 he participated in the Oxford Media Policy Summer Institute.



David Rooney

Dáithí (David) Rooney is a PhD candidate in Communication Studies at UT-Austin. They are interested in the intersections of media studies, digital rhetoric, environmental communication and critical/cultural studies. In particular, their recent research examines the environmental discourses of far-right online communities.


nishant sahdev

Nishant Sahdev

I am associated with Delhi Technological University, New Delhi, India. As my Academic background is diversified in Cancer Biology, Bioinformatics, Advanced Mathematics, Quantum Physics, AI & ML. It allows me to approach biological challenges from a unique & different perspectives. Sometime it's good but sometime it's bad due to overthinking. Although I aim to bridge these disciplines, leveraging physics and mathematics to develop innovative solutions to complex biomedical problems. Currently I'm working on different areas: Warburg Effect, Quantum Dots for Cancer, Newtonian Calculus & time in space & Theory of Relativity.


Sananda Sahoo

Sananda Sahoo is a Lecturer and University Fellow and UNC Asheville. She looks at the intersections of public, public space, and digital infrastructures. Her previous research includes political posters and platforms, Internet shutdowns, sites of violence in the digital sphere, data imaginaries in colonial and democratic India, and colonial narratives in photographs and memoirs by women.


Headshot of Mariana Sánchez Santos

Mariana Sánchez Santos

Mariana Sánchez Santos is a Ph.D. student in the School of Communication at American University. She holds a BA in International Relations from ITAM in Mexico City and a Master of Arts in Political Communication from the University of Leeds, UK. Her Ph.D. research focuses on political communication, elections, and technology in Latin America.


Headshot of Arjun Sawhney

Arjun Sawhney

Arjun Sawhney is a Ph.D. student in Philosophy at Queen's University at Kingston. He is currently studying jurisprudence, political philosophy, and the social impacts of artificial intelligence. Arjun's work explores many areas in philosophy and has most recently focused on the impact of policing algorithms on Indigenous communities.


Headshot of Rebecca Scharlach

Rebecca Scharlach

Rebecca Scharlach is an international PhD Candidate in the Department of Communication and Journalism at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and a core member of the ERC-funded research project DigitalValues. Her dissertation, supervised by Limor Shifman, focuses on the construction of values by social media platforms. Broadly, her research critically examines the intersection between platform governance and society.


Headshot of Reed Van Schenck

Reed Van Schenck

Reed Van Schenck is a Ph.D candidate in Communication and Rhetoric at the University of Pittsburgh and an assistant debate coach at the William Pitt Debating Union. Their research applies critical-cultural studies to understand reactionary digital networks. They are currently working on their dissertation which interrogates the decline of the Alt-Right after 2017 and the ideological effects of platform governance in the United States.


Headshot of Jessica Shaw

Jessica Shaw

Jessica Shaw is a Ph.D. student and a Roy H. Park fellow at the Hussman School of Journalism and Media at UNC-Chapel Hill. Jessica's current research explores the public understanding and ethics of data privacy in strategic communication efforts, such as advertisements, disclaimers, and PR initiatives. Previously, she worked as a journalist and in public relations.


Headshot of Sam Shear

Sam Shear

Sam Shear is a graduate student in Wake Forest University's Department of Communication. He is interested in the political and epistemological underpinnings of sociotechnical structures, such as algorithms and minimalistic, techno-libertarian logics.


Headshot of Yarden Skop

Yarden Skop

Yarden Skop is a PhD researcher. Her dissertation research will explore relationships between digital news and journalistic publishers and large platform companies, using case studies in which machine learning is used to automate content moderation and fact checking. Before starting her graduate studies, Yarden was a journalist in Israel for more than a decade.


Headshot of Thomas Struett

Thomas Struett

Thomas Struett is a communication PhD student at American University. He is also the research director at the Digital Trade and Data Governance Hub located at George Washington University. His research has focused on data governance, folk theories of algorithms, and internet governance.


Headshot of Julianna Surkin

Julianna Surkin

Julianna Surkin is a scholar at UNC-Chapel Hill School of Information and Library Science majoring in Information Science and Computer Science. After being inspired by a Cyberlaw course at the London School of Economics and Political Science, Julianna expanded her areas of study beyond software and experience design to include many fascinating aspects of technology regulation. Her research focuses on the interdisciplinary study of design and regulation, uncovering how the intersection of platform architecture, dark patterns, and artificial intelligence pose a threat to individual autonomy and democratic processes.


Naa Korkoi Tackie smiling

Naa Korkoi Tacki

Naa Korkoi is a PhD student with the Emerging Media Studies unit at the Department of Communication at Boston University. She aims to leverage AI and/or nostalgia in factchecking mis/disinformation on social media. With professional backgrounds in Copyediting, Journalism (TV), Advertising, Production, and Factchecking, she expects to apply the skills honed in these professions to her cumulative skills to executing her doctoral study projects.


Headshot of Li Qian Tay

Li Qian Tay

Li Qian Tay is a Ph.D. student in the School of Psychological Science at the University of Western Australia. His research explores how different types of misinformation and interventions affect individuals’ cognition and behaviour. He also has broad interests in causal inference and computational modelling.


Headshot of Zari Taylor

Zari Taylor

Zari Taylor is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is a critical platform studies and cultural studies scholar whose research lays at the intersection of popular culture, social media, and beauty capital. Her dissertation explores the gendered and radicalized implications of beauty capital within the social media influencer industry - specifically on Tik Tok. She is also an opinion writer and columnist with The Daily Tar Heel.


Courtney Thomas

Courtney Thomas

Courtney Thomas is a Master's student in the School of Library and Information Science at UNC- Chapel Hill. She is interested in how political actors and cultural institutions contribute to the development and spread nationalist narratives, including the spread of dis/misinformation via emerging technologies. She is also interested in the affordances of live performance, changes in feminist thought, and the intersections of art, politics, and religion. Her writing has appeared in Slate, Texas Monthly, American Theatre Magazine, and other publications.


Headshot of Shu wan

Shu Wan

Shu Wan is currently matriculated as a doctoral student in history at the University at Buffalo. As a digital and disability historian, he serves in the editorial team of Digital Humanities Quarterly and Nursing Clio.


Headshot of Lingyu Wang

Lingyu Wang

Lingyu Wang is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Information and Library Sciences at UNC Chapel Hill. He studies community archives of social movement artworks and documents, examining their relations to identities, public memories, and perceptions of the living space. He works in the intersection of library and information science, art history, critical media studies, and urban studies. In praxes, he also builds digital libraries and databases with people across disciplines of LIS, arts, and humanities.


Chenying Weng

Chenying Weng is a PhD student majoring in Communication at Texas A&M University. Her research interests include health communication, public opinion on social media, women's health in digital spaces, and emerging technologies. She is also committed to promoting educational equity by providing volunteer consulting services for budget-limited female students from mainland China and creating an online female study room which operated for over a year.


Zane Austin Willard

Zane Austin Willard is a second-year doctoral student in the Department of Communication at the University of South Florida. His research and teaching interests are in critical cultural studies, media and technology studies, and queer theory and gender and sexuality studies. His work considers the ubiquity of surveillance culture’s implications for minoritized communities, particularly queer communities, with an emphasis on the racialized, classed, and gendered dimensions of surveillance in the neoliberal state and techno-culture.

Headshot of Lucas Wright

Lucas Wright

Lucas is a graduate student in the Department of Communication at Cornell University. His research focuses on how online platforms regulate the behavior of users, especially through automated, algorithmic interventions. Prior to joining CAT Lab, Lucas conducted research with non-profits including the Dangerous Speech Project and the Global Disinformation Index. He has a MSc in Social Science of the Internet from the University of Oxford and a BA in Political Science from American University.

Headshot of Sarah Whitmarsh

Sarah Whitmarsh

Sarah Whitmarsh is a PhD student and Roy H. Park Fellow at the Hussman School of Journalism and Media. Her research interests include collective action and social change, especially on abortion and reproductive justice. Prior to UNC, she worked as a communication professional in international development and reproductive health and spent nearly 15 years designing, implementing, and evaluating advocacy and communication strategies.


Headshot of Adrian Wong

Adrian Wong

Adrian Wong is a Ph.D. candidate in the Institute of Communications Research, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. He grew up in Murrieta, CA, as the third child in a bi-racial family of 6 with a Chinese-immigrant father and a white, 6th generation Californian mother. His Fulbright-Hays supported dissertation research focuses on digital transformation policies and initiatives in Chile and their implications for regional socioeconomic inequality and South-South digital infrastructure development.


Yukun Yang

Yukun Yang (he/him) is a second-year Ph.D. student in Interdisciplinary Design and Media at Northeastern University. He received his MS in Information science from UNC-Chapel Hill. He is interested in the collective and communicative practices on social media and how these acts uphold or challenge the dominant narrative, power hierarchies, and hegemonic ideologies, with a specific focus on race and ethnicity.

Xu Yiqing

Xu Yiqing

I am a graduate student from Fudan University, currently participating in an exchange program at UNC for the Fall 2024 semester. My research interests focus on the impact of algorithms on human-computer interaction and the flow of information on social media platforms. My current research topics include the effects of algorithm aversion on user behavior and the application of social network analysis in transnational media agenda-setting.I greatly look forward to guidance and collaboration from other researchers!