Child Online Safety Legislation

A collaboration between CITAP, the Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke University, and the Center for Information Technology Policy at Princeton University.

This group of researchers investigates legislation focused on child safety on social platforms, including the UK Online Safety Act, the US Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA), and state bills in Utah, Texas, California, and Louisiana (to name a few). We are interested in the empirical evidence behind these bills, larger “moral panics” around youth and technology, and such legislation’s potential impact on the lives and well-being of young people. 

About the Members

Alice Marwick

  • Microsoft Visiting Professor, Center for Information Technology Policy, Princeton University
  • Principal Investigator, CITAP

Robyn Caplan

  • Assistant Professor, Sanford School of Public Policy
  • Senior Lecturing Fellow, Duke Initiative for Science & Society
  • CITAP Faculty Affiliate

Jacob Smith

  • CITAP Graduate Research Assistant
  • PhD Candidate, Department of Communication, UNC Chapel Hill