Academic Publications

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Transparency reports as CSR reports

June 12, 2023

How can we understand the motivations, audiences, and meanings of transparency reports produced by information and communications technology (ICT) companies?

Amanda Reid, Evan Ringel, Shanetta M. Pendleton

Social Responsibility Journal

CNN Can Kiss My As$

September 6, 2023

Who in the United States consumes far-right news media, and what does this consumption mean for American democracy?

Andrea Lorenz, Carolyn Schmitt, Shannon McGregor, Daniel Malmer

Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media


Regulating Facial Recognition Technology

March 10, 2023

We analyze the regulatory patchwork used by state and local policymakers to govern facial recognition technology in the absence of federal legislation.

Evan Ringel, Amanda Reid

Communication Law and Policy

Digital Infrastructures

Whitehouse behind bars

Platforms are Abandoning U.S. Democracy

June 29, 2023

Bridget Barrett and Daniel Kreiss argue platforms risk repeating the mistakes of the 2016 election nearly eight years on

Bridget Barrett, Daniel Kreiss

Tech Policy Press

Digital Infrastructures

US Capitol building reflection in water

A review and provocation: On polarization and platforms

April 11, 2023

Is increasing polarization—the distance between politically meaningful groups in society—inherently bad for democracy?

Daniel Kreiss, Shannon C. McGregor

New Media & Society

Political Processes

Man observing a wall covered with papers

‘Do your own research’: affordance activation and disinformation spread

August 30, 2023

We explain how pundits, propagandists, and conspiracy theorists ‘activate affordances’ to validate their claims.

Francesca B. Tripodi, Lauren C. Garcia, Alice E. Marwick

Information, Communication & Society


US capitol building with protestors behind.

Social media policy in two dimensions

August 3, 2023

American public opinion on who should be responsible for content governance is complicated.

Heesoo Jang, Bridget Barrett, Shannon C. McGregor

Information, Communication & Society

Digital Infrastructures

Bronze statue of a blindfolded woman holding scales

Recentering power: conceptualizing counterpublics and defensive publics

June 19, 2023

What do researchers lose by failing to consider power when studying digital networks and right-wing publics?

Sarah J Jackson, Daniel Kreiss

Communication Theory

(In)Equity, Political Processes

Communication Studies, Political Communication, Theory

A Review and Provocation: On Polarization and Platforms

Polarization is the necessary byproduct of the struggle to realize democracy in unequal societies.

Daniel Kreiss, Shannon McGregor

New Media & Society

(In)Equity, Political Processes

Communication Studies, Elections, Polarization, Political Communication, Social Media

diverse hands over a table with papers

#Politicalcommunicationsowhite: Race and Politics in Nine Communication Journals, 1991-2021

Understanding communication requires accounting for social and cultural difference, especially race and ethnicity

Deen Freelon, Meredith L. Pruden, Daniel Malmer

Political Communication


Communication Studies, Political Communication, Race

“Too Soon” to Count? How Gender and Race Cloud Notability Considerations on Wikipedia

Wikipedia’s editors are more likely to consider you “notable” if you’re a white man

Mackenzie Emily Lemieux, Rebecca Zhang, Francesca Tripodi

Big Data & Society

(In)Equity, Digital Infrastructures

Fact-Checking, Gender, Knowledge-Production, Visibility, Wikipedia

code on a computer screen

Digital Trace Data Collection for Social Media Effects Research: APIs, Data Donation, and (Screen) Tracking

Digital trace data can change the study of misinformation, algorithmic bias, and well-being.

Jakob Ohme, Theo Araujo, Laura Boeschoten, Deen Freelon, Nilam Ram, Byron B. Reeves, Thomas N. Robinson

Communication Methods and Measures

Digital Infrastructures, Mis/Disinformation

Digital Trace Data, Methods, Social Media