Daniel Kreiss is the Edgar Thomas Cato Distinguished Professor in the Hussman School of Journalism and Media at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the faculty director, a principal researcher, and co-founder of the UNC Center for Information, Technology, and Public Life. Kreiss is the author or co-author of five books and the co-editor of Media and January 6th (Oxford University Press, 2024). Kreiss’s last volume, a co-written textbook entitled Platforms, Power, and Politics: An Introduction to Political Communication in the Digital Age (Polity, 2024), has been translated into multiple languages and adopted in numerous courses in the U.S. and Europe. Kreiss co-edits the Oxford University Press book series Journalism and Political Communication Unbound and is an associate editor of the field-leading Political Communication journal. At the Hussman School, Kreiss is the director of the Political Communication Certificate and teaches classes in political communication. Kreiss is an affiliated fellow of the Information Society Project at Yale Law School and received a Ph.D. in Communication from Stanford University.
research keywords: political communication | digital politics | platform accountability